Category Archives: Eventos académicos

Examination panel at University of Valencia

On the 5th of October, Dr. Buxarrais was part of the examination panel evaluating Dr. Dra. Victoria Vázquez for the position of tenured lecturer at the University of Valencia. The other members of the examination panel were: Dr. Bernardo Gargallo (University of Valencia), Dr. Gonzalo Jover (Complutense University of Madrid), Dr. Mar Lorenzo (University of Santiago de Compostela) and Dr. Piedad Sahuquillo (University of Valencia).

panel and candidateFrom left to right: Dr. Gonzalo Jover (UCM), Dr. Mar Lorenzo (USC), Dr. Victoria Vázquez (UV), Dr. Maria Rosa Buxarrais (UB), Dr. Bernardo Gargallo (UV) and Dr. Piedad Sahuquillo (UV).

Creation of DIDASKALIA Network on Evaluation of Teaching

On the 18th and 19th of this month of July DIDASKALIA Network on Evaluation of Teaching was created by five universities: University of Barcelona, University of Deusto, University of Navarra, University of the Basque Country and University of Vic-Central University of Catalunya. The aim of this network is to improve teaching and the promotion and encouragement of lecturers.

In those days, meeting at the University of Deusto, the five university participated in two working sessions, sharing their individual situations regarding evaluation of teaching and their challenges in the topic. After identifying common tasks to develop as a network, they agreed other future meetings. One of these meetings, where they will share their first results, will be the conference Investigar la docencia: enseñar y aprender en las disciplinas como objeto de estudio, that will take place on the 20th and 21st of November in Burgos.

Members of DidaskaliaBack, left to right: Beatriz Castillo (Univ. of Navarra), Conxita Amat (UB), Marian Aláez (Univ. of Deusto), Efraím Reyes (UPV/EHU), Max Turull (UB), Maria Rosa Buxarrais (UB), Roberto Caballero (Univ. of Deusto) and Idoia Fernández (UPV/EHU). Front, left to right: Pepa Sánchez (Univ. of Navarra), Ricard Giramé (UVic-UCC) and Antoni Portell (UVic-UCC).

Examination panel at University of Salamanca

On the 28th of June, Dr. Buxarrais was part of the examination panel evaluating Dr. José Manuel Muñoz Rodríguez for the position of professor at the University of Salamanca. The other members of the examination panel were: Dr. Julio Vera (University of Málaga), Dr. Ángel del Dujo (University of Salamanca), Dr. Mar Lorenzo (University of Santiago de Compostela) and Dr. Fernando Gil (Complutense Univesity of Madrid).

From left to right: Dr. Julio Vera (UMA), Dr. Maria Rosa Buxarrais (UB), Dr. Ángel del Dujo (USAL), Dr. José Manuel Muñoz (USAL), Dr. Mar Lorenzo (USC) and Dr. Fernando Gil (UCM).

Examination panel at Autonomous University of Madrid

On the 8th of June, Dr. Buxarrais was part of the examination panel evaluating Dr. Bianca Thoilliez for the position of tenured lecturer at the Autonomous University of Madrid. The other members of the examination panel were: Dr. José Manuel Muñoz (University of Salamanca), Dr. María Mar del Pozo (University of Alcalá de Henares), Dr. David Reyero (Complutense University of Madrid) and Dr. Javier Manuel Valle (Autonomous University of Madrid).

Foto tribunal UAM

From left to right: Dr. Maria Rosa Buxarrais (UB); Dr. David Reyero (UCM), Dr. Bianca Thoilliez (UAM), Dr. Maria Mar del Pou (UAH), Dr. José Manuel Muñoz (USAL) and Dr. Javier Manuel Valle (UAM).

Examination panel at Autonomous University of Barcelona

On the 6th of March, Dr. Buxarrais was part of the examination panel evaluating Dr. Pilar Pineda Herrero for the position of professor at the Faculty of Education at the Autonomous University of Barcelona. The other members of the examination panel were Dr. José Tejada and Dr. Xavier Úcar (both from the Autonomous University of Barcelona).

Foto del tribunalFrom left to right: Dr. Jose Tejada (UAB), Dr. Maria Rosa Buxarrais (UB), Dr. Pilar Pineda and Dr. Xavier Ucar.