Category Archives: New publications

New Article published in Teoría de la Educación. Revista Interuniversitaria.

Logo de la revistaThe article “La perspectiva feminista en la educación y sus debates actuales“, authored by Dr. Maria Rosa Buxarrais (University of Barcelona) and Dr. Sofía Valdivielso Gómez (University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria), has been recently published.

We are facing a social debate on feminism that is favoring the resurgence of very old misogynist thinking. The achievements of recent decades in relation to the advancement of equality between the sexes are being distorted and it seems that feminism is responsible for unleashing the baser instincts and hatred. This prevents us from listening to what is really being said. Prejudices prevent us from doing so. This article delves into the historical development of feminism as a political theory and praxis, examining its different moments from pre-modernity to post-modernity. It shows that feminism as a political theory and as a social movement has been analyzing reality for more than three centuries now and has built up knowledge that is essential for understanding today’s societies and the debates that are taking place in them. It is important to convey that feminism is a humanism that seeks to build societies based on the values of equality, justice and freedom. For this to be possible, it is necessary to incorporate the ethics of care in the classroom. A care that goes from the egocentric to the world-centric, that includes all of us and that transcends the human to also include nature and all living beings. The education we need must be directed towards the realization of basic universal values and the construction of fairer and more inclusive societies. It is therefore urgent to give it more space and prominence in the education system and in the curriculum.

The article can be freely downloaded in the Article Section of the website.

Paper in the project “Ciudades que cuidan”

Portada EducaciónThe project Ciudades que cuidan, coordinated by the Mémora Foundation seeks to involve the whole society in participating actively in people’s last days of life. It is a holistic model of integral care to cover all medical, social and community needs of the person.

Maria Rosa Buxarrais, together with four other professionals of different academic backgrounds, has written the article “La educación como punto de partida“. The paper is available for free downlad in the digital library that the project Ciudades que cuidan has in their website.

New article published in Journal of Clinical and Experimental Dentistry

Logo de la revista

This month the Journal of Clinical and Experimental Dentistry (eISSN: 1989-5488) has published the article intitled “Ethical relationship in the dentist-patient interaction”, authored by Josep Maria Ustrell Torrent, Maria Rosa Buxarrais Estrada and Pere Riutord Sbert.

Background: In recent times the deontology of the dental profession has acquired special relevance as a result of problems that dentists have had to face to resolve ethical conflicts.

Material and Methods: Information on deontology in the dental profession has been compiled in publications of health sciences in general and specific codes for dentistry, while expressing opinions about the experience of the authors themselves who, from a humanistic and health overview are concentrated in the dental area.

Results: This article presents our point of view of how the dentist-patient relationship should be in the face of current demands from patients and society, with a focus on the crucial role of ethical issues not only in undergraduate studies but also in the consideration of ethical questions in the specialization and in the usual practice. The dental profession has a special trust in the community, and the best dentist-patient relationship should be based on that trust, honesty, providing high-quality and appropriate treatment, and keeping the patient safe and healthy.

Conclusions: The patient has the right to be fully and adequately informed, as well as to participate in decisions about treatment. The dentist has a duty to put the patient first and treat her with her wishes in mind as long as these expectations are within the limits of accepted treatment. The dentist must provide dental care without discrimination or prejudice.

The article can be freely downloaded in this month’s issue of the journal. Direct link to the pdf here.

New article published in Journal of Hispanic Higher Education

A few days ago, the article “Reasons for Course Selection and Academic Satisfaction among Master’s Degree Students” has been published in Journal of Hispanic Higher Education. Its authors are Pilar Figuera, Juan Llanes, Mercedes Torrado, Robert-Guerau Valls and Maria Rosa Buxarrais, all from the University of Barcelona.

This study investigated the relationships between the motivations of master’s students and satisfaction with the programme. Participants included 978 students from two Spanish universities. The results showed that the characteristics of the master’s programme explained the differences in the reasons for choice and student satisfaction. We found a positive relationship between academic satisfaction and the reasons for self-realization and personal growth. The results allow us to reconsider the process of student guidance and counselling.

The article can be read in full and free of charge in the website of the journal.

New book published

It has been recently presented the book “Ética aplicada a la Odontología” (“Ethics applied to Odontology”), written by Dr. Josep M. Ustrell Torrent and Dr. Maria Rosa Buxarrais Estrada, with forewords by Dr. José Carlos de la Macorra (Dean of the Faculty of Odontology at the Complutense University of Madrid) and by Dr. Lluís Cabellol Angelats (Senior lecturer at the Faculty of Law of the University of Barcelona).

All information regarding the book can be found in the website of the publisher, where the book can also be purchased.

Table of contents

Capítulo I. Deontología profesional

1. Ética y moral
2. Criterios para la reflexión ética en el ejercicio de la profesión
3. El acto sanitario
4. La necesidad de un código deontológico
5. Códigos de la actividad clínica
5.1. Protocolos del comportamiento ético en salud
5.2. Principios éticos de Popper
5.3. Rol de las academias y de los colegios profesionales

Capítulo II. Reflexión ética

1. Estableciendo puentes entre humanidades y ciencias de la salud
2. La interacción dentista – paciente

Capítulo III. Transferencia de la información y toma de decisiones

1. Historia clínica1.1. Nuestra actitud
1.1. Importancia de la comunicación
1.2. Aspectos legales de la Historia Clínica
1.3. Nuestra aptitud
1.4. Importancia del conocimiento
2. Secuelas en la toma de decisiones
2.1. Estrés profesional o Burnout
2.2. Yatrogenia

Capítulo IV. Camino hacia el humanismo

1. Acogida y seguridad
2. Formación en valores
3. Dimensión ética de la investigación odontológica

Capítulo V. Propuesta de recomendaciones

1. Decálogo de la ética en odontología
2. Decisiones clínicas
3. Conflictos éticos
4. Toma de decisiones éticas en odontología

Capítulo VI. Dimensión ética de las empresas del sector

1. Empresas
2. Relación con la investigación

Capítulo VII. ¿Qué nos depara el futuro?

1. Mirando hacia el futuro: la ética y las nuevas tecnologías
2. Transhumanismo
3. La enseñanza universitaria en los próximos años
